Argument Mapping with Argunet

Four tutorials


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1. About this document
2. The basic structure of Argunet
3. Argument mapping vs. mind mapping
2. Sketching a debate
1. Creating a local Argunet debate
2. Saving a copy of a Debate
3. Sketching arguments
4. Sketching dialectical relations
3. The logical reconstruction
1. Reconstructing the premiss-conclusion-structure of an argument
2. Attack and support relations
3. Deleting and restoring elements
4. Visualization of complex argumentations
1. Map Tools
2. Grouping arguments
3. Working with multiple argument maps
5. Working online
1. Creating an account for the Argunet server
2. Opening an online debate
3. Creating an online debate
4. Granting debate access to users
5. Copying arguments from an offline debate to an online debate

List of Figures

1.1. The architecture of Argunet
1.2. Sentence, sketched argument and reconstructed argument
1.3. An attack
1.4. A support
2.1. Entering the debate properties in the "Create Debate" wizard
2.2. The debate manager
2.3. In-place-editor for a sentence
2.4. In-place-editor for an argument
2.5. Argument map with a sentence and an argument
2.6. Choosing the logical relation
2.7. A sketched attack
2.8. Argument map with a sketched attack and a sketched support
3.1. the argument editor
3.2. Setting the sentence role to "preliminary conclusion"
3.3. Argument with preliminary conclusion
3.4. inference pattern editor
3.5. The reconstructed argument "Intellectual property"
3.6. A reconstructed support
3.7. Reconstruction of the argument "Mathematical Algorithms"
3.8. The reconstruction wizard "attack"
3.9. Selection of the attacked premiss in the reconstruction wizard "attack"
3.10. Argument map with reconstructed attack
3.11. Selection of the supported premiss in the reconstruction wizard "support"
3.12. The resulting argument map
3.13. The Argunet trash
4.1. The map tools
4.2. The "arrange arguments" tools
4.3. Layouting-tool
4.4. Layouted argument map
4.5. Colour families
4.6. The family manager
4.7. Argument map with argument families
4.8. Argument map with an argument group
4.9. The argument map list in the debate manager
4.10. Dialogue for creating new argument maps
5.1. The first step for creating a new user account
5.2. User information
5.3. Entering the login data
5.4. List of all debates on an Argunet server
5.5. Entering the debate informations
5.6. Application settings
5.7. Granting access to other users

List of Tables

1.1. Why Argunet is more suitable for argument mapping than mind mapping software