Table of Contents
This document will introduce you to Argunet and its use. Argunet is a free, open-source, platform-independent software suite for collaborative argument reconstruction and visualization.
Argunet enables you to create argument maps of complex debates online or offline, on your own or in a team. All features of Argunet can be used online on an Argunet server as well as offline on your own computer.
The reconstruction process in Argunet is divided into two stages (which can alternate, of course).
The two-stage-reconstruction
The order in which the tutorials are presented corresponds to these two phases. The first tutorial describes the features that are needed during the first stage of reconstruction (sketching). The second tutorial explains the use of Argunet in stage two of the reconstruction (logical reconstruction). The third tutorial presents visualization features with which to structure your reconstruction more clearly and make it more informative.
Up to this point, all features can be explored using local debates on your own computer. This changes with the fourth tutorial, where you will learn how to create an online debate and work with other users via the internet.
But to begin with, this document will introduce you to the basic structure of Argunet. If you want to start argument mapping immediately, you may skip this section. However, this section is essential in order to gain a deeper understanding of the software. At the end of this introduction, Argunet is compared with traditional mind mapping programmes. This section will only be of interest to you if you are wondering what the difference between Argunet and these programmes is.