3. Sketching arguments

Arguments and single sentences can be added to Argunet argument maps. Start with the reconstruction by adding the central thesis of the debate to the argument map as a sentence.

3.1.  Adding a sentence to an argument map

  1. Click on the position of the argument map where the sentence is to be inserted. Click the Insert New Sentence button .
  2. A warning is shown. (For information on this warning, see #[LINK].) Klick OK to continue.
  3. An in-place-editor opens automatically on top of the new sentence. In the upper text box, enter the title "Central thesis", and in the lower text box, enter the thesis: "Software should be patentable."

    Figure 2.3. In-place-editor for a sentence

    In-place-editor for a sentence

  4. To show both the title and the thesis itself, enable the option both .
  5. To close the in-place-editor, click on the white background of the argument map.


This section has shown you how to add sentences to an argument map. For more information on sentences in Argunet, see Section 2.2, “ Map-independent storage of sentences and arguments ”

3.2.  Adding an argument to an argument map

You will now add the first argument to the argument map. We will begin with a counter-argument against the central thesis. The general idea of the argument is that software patents prevent innovation because of the high licensing costs.

  1. Click on the position of the argument map where the argument is to be inserted. Click the Insert New Argument button . The in-place-editor is opened.

    Figure 2.4. In-place-editor for an argument

    In-place-editor for an argument

  2. In the upper text box, enter the title "Innovation block", and in the lower text box, enter the short description of the argument: "Software patents prevent innovation because of the high licensing costs."
  3. To show both the title and the short description of the argument, enable the option both .
  4. To close the in-place-editor, click on the white background of the argument map.

Figure 2.5. Argument map with a sentence and an argument

Argument map with a sentence and an argument