Table of Contents
This tutorial describes how the reconstruction of the debate about software patents begun in Chapter 2, Sketching a debate can be continued and expanded. After sketching part of the debate in the first tutorial , we will now begin with the logical reconstruction. It will be explained how to enter the premiss-conclusion-structure of arguments into the argument editor and define the attack and support relations using the reconstruction wizard.
In the argument editor, the logical premiss-conclusion-structure of an argument can be reconstructed. From a logical point of view, an argument consists of a statement for which reasons are given and one or more statements which give reasons for this statement. The former ist called "conclusion", the latter are called "premisses". The premisses are listed one below the other in the argument editor. The conclusion follows below an inference line. If the argument has more than one logical step, preliminary conclusions can be inserted. They are also preceded by an inference line.
Start with the logical reconstruction of the argument "Intellectual property".
The argument editor works like a list in word processing programmes. To enter additional sentences, do the following:
A new sentence is added. You can now continue with the reconstruction.
Deleting a sentence is also similar to the deletion of elements from a list in a word processing programme.
The sentence is deleted.
Changes carried out in the argument editor can be saved by
clicking the
) or using CTRL + S.
By clicking the
, you can undo changes in the argument editor. By clicking
you can restore changes that were undone.
By default, new sentences in the argument editor are always premisses. However, the role of a sentence in an argument can be changed easily:
Optionally, you can specify an inference pattern for a preliminary conclusion or a conclusion.
The new inference pattern appears in the middle of the inference line.
Now add two more premisses. The first is as follows: "Intellectual property rights only protect certain aspects of computer programmes and therefore protect them insufficiently, whereas patents protect the ideas and innovations in programmes more effectively." The second: "Software should be protected as effectively as possible."
Now the conclusion that software should be patentable can be inferred. The conclusion is the sentence below the last inference line. Enter "Software should be patentable" here. The reconstruction of the argument is now complete. Click the Save button. A wider border will then appear around the argument on the argument map. This border indicates that the argument has already been reconstructed.