We are a team of philosophers with expertise in reconstructing, analysing and teaching argumentation. Over the years we have developed a couple of tools to facilitate our work. At the Argunet blog, we share and discuss our experience so far.
Gregor Betz
Gregor Betz is a philosopher at the Karlruhe Institute of Technology. He’s using Argunet in his research projects as well for academic teaching.
Sebastian Cacean
Sebastian Cacean is research associate at ITAS and Ph.D. student involved in the Shared Research Group LOBSTER. He is currently main developer of Argunet Editor and has used argument mapping extensively in his research (e.g. climate engineering controversy).
Christian Voigt
Christian Voigt is research associate at ITAS and Ph.D. student involved in the Shared Research Group LOBSTER. He was highly involved in the development of Argunet Editor, is currently working on new argument mapping web applications and teaches courses on argumentation theory.